ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India all important facts

ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India : Indian Space Research Center (ISRO) is all set to launch the Chandrayaan-3 mission to the moon on 14th July 2023.

Chandrayaan 3 will be launched from Satish Dhawan Space Research Center, Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, using the launch vehicle MARK-3 M-4 rocket.

It will take 40 days to land on lunar surface.23 -24 august 2023 is expected date when Chandrayaan -3 land on moon surface.

Let’s learn about the special features and facts related to the Chandrayaan 3 mission.

ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India

ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India :

In recent years, India has made significant strides in the field of space exploration. With its ambitious space program, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully launched numerous satellites and even sent missions to the moon and Mars. One of the most highly anticipated upcoming projects is Chandrayaan 3, the third lunar exploration mission by India.

Chandrayaan-3 is a successor to Chandrayaan-2, aimed at showcasing complete capabilities in safe lunar landing and rover exploration on the lunar surface. It consists of a Lander and Rover configuration and it will be launched by the LVM3 (Launch Vehicle Mark III) from SDSC (Satish Dhawan Space Center) SHAR, Sriharikota. The propulsion module (the force that pushes or drives a vehicle, etc. forward) will transport the Lander and Rover configuration to a lunar orbit of 100 km. The propulsion module is equipped with the Spectro-polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth (SHAPE) payload, which will conduct spectral and polarimetric measurements of Earth from the lunar orbit.

What is the Objectives of ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India :

The mission objectives of ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India are as follows:

To showcase a safe and soft landing on the lunar surface.
To demonstrate rover mobility and exploration on the moon.
The objective is to carry out scientific experiments directly on the lunar surface.

To accomplish the mission objectives, the lander incorporates various advanced technologies, including:

Altimeters: Laser and RF-based altimeters for precise altitude measurement.
Velocimeters: Laser Doppler Velocimeter and a lander horizontal velocity camera to accurately determine the velocity.
Inertial Measurement: Laser gyro-based inertial referencing and an accelerometer package for precise navigation and orientation measurements.
Propulsion System: Throttleable liquid engines.
Navigation, Guidance & Control (NGC): Software elements for powered descent trajectory design and control.
Hazard Detection and Avoidance: Lander Hazard Detection & Avoidance Camera and advanced processing algorithms to identify and avoid potential hazards.
Landing Leg Mechanism: Mechanism designed to provide stable landing and support the lander on the lunar surface.

Investigating Lunar Surface
Chandrayaan 3 will extensively study the lunar surface to gather crucial data about its composition, mineralogy, and presence of water molecules. By analyzing the data collected, scientists hope to gain insights into the moon’s origin and its evolution over time.

Searching for Water on the Moon
One of the key objectives of Chandrayaan 3 is to search for water ice on the moon. The presence of water on the lunar surface has significant implications for future human exploration and colonization efforts. It could potentially serve as a vital resource for sustaining life and as a source of fuel for further space missions.

Advancing Technological Capabilities
Chandrayaan 3 will showcase India’s technological prowess in the realm of space exploration. The mission aims to test and validate new technologies and engineering techniques that will be crucial for future space endeavors. This includes advancements in propulsion systems, navigation, and rover technology.

What is the significance of ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India

ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India holds immense significance for both India and the global scientific community. Here are a few reasons why this mission is eagerly awaited:

1. National Pride and Inspiration
Chandrayaan 3 symbolizes India’s indomitable spirit of scientific progress and innovation. It serves as a source of immense national pride and inspires generations of young minds to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

2. International Collaboration
The mission also provides opportunities for international collaboration. India has previously collaborated with other countries on space missions, and Chandrayaan 3 presents another avenue for joint exploration and knowledge sharing. This fosters cooperation among nations and accelerates scientific advancements.

3. Expanding Human Knowledge
Every space mission contributes to our collective understanding of the universe and our place in it. Chandrayaan 3, with its extensive research and data gathering, will add to our knowledge of the moon’s geology, potentially uncovering new insights into the formation of celestial bodies.

Lander Payloads and Rover Payload :

In a space mission, the term “lander payload” refers to the scientific instruments, experiments, or equipment carried by the lander module of a spacecraft. These payloads are specifically designed to conduct scientific investigations, collect data, or perform experiments on the surface of a celestial body such as the moon or Mars.

On the other hand, the “rover payload” refers to the instruments, tools, or experiments that are onboard a rover, which is a robotic vehicle designed to explore the surface of a celestial body. Rover payloads are typically focused on conducting detailed analyses of the terrain, collecting samples, performing experiments, and acquiring various types of data to enhance our understanding of the environment and potential habitability.

Both lander payloads and rover payloads play crucial roles in space exploration missions, enabling scientists and researchers to gather valuable information, study geological features, analyze atmospheric conditions, search for signs of life, and expand our knowledge of celestial bodies beyond what is possible through remote sensing or orbital observations.

ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India Lander payloads and Rover payloads :

There are four lander payload in ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India

RAMBHA : Rambha stands for “Radio Anatomy of Moon Bound Hypersensitive ionosphere and Atmosphere” .Rambha Langmuir Probe the purpose of this module is to measure the near surface plasma (ions and electrons) density and its changes with time.

ChaSTE : Chaste is “Chandra’s Surface Thermo physical Experiment”. The purpose of chaste is to carry out the measurements of thermal properties of lunar surface near polar region.

ILSA : “Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity”. To measure seismicity around the landing site and delineating the structure of the lunar crust and mantle.

LRA : “LASER Retroreflector Array”. It is a passive experiment to understand the dynamics of Moon system.

The two Rover Payload is :

LIBS : LASER Induced Breakdown Spectroscope-Qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis & To derive the chemical Composition and infer mineralogical composition to further our understanding of Lunar-surface.

APXS : Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer -To determine the elemental composition (Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti , Fe) of Lunar soil and rocks around the lunar landing site.

ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India

ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India marks a significant achievement in India’s pursuit of space exploration. Through its scientific objectives and technological advancements, it promises to further our understanding of the moon and pave the way for future lunar missions. The mission not only fuels national pride but also fosters international collaboration and expands the horizons of human knowledge. As we eagerly await the launch of Chandrayaan 3, the world watches in anticipation of the groundbreaking discoveries and achievements it will bring.

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ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India faqs :

What happened to Chandrayaan 2?

Chandrayaan 2, launched in July 2019, consisted of an orbiter, lander, and rover. While the orbiter successfully completed its mission, the lander (Vikram) encountered a technical issue during the descent and was unable to make a soft landing on the lunar surface.

What are the expected outcomes of ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India?

Chandrayaan 3 aims to provide valuable insights into the moon’s composition, geological history, and the presence of water molecules. It will also advance India’s technological capabilities in space exploration.

Will Chandrayaan 3 contribute to future manned missions?

While Chandrayaan 3 is an unmanned mission, the knowledge gained from it will undoubtedly contribute to future manned missions. Understanding the moon’s resources and conditions is crucial for planning safe and sustainable human exploration.

What is the launch vehicle for Chandrayaan 3?

Chandrayaan 3 will be launched using the LVM3 (Launch Vehicle Mark 3) rocket, operated by ISRO. The LVM3 is a heavy-lift launch vehicle specifically designed for deep space missions.

Where will ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India be launched from?

ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India will be launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, India. SDSC SHAR is ISRO’s primary launch site.

What payloads are onboard Chandrayaan 3?

Chandrayaan 3 carries several payloads, including Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE) to measure thermal conductivity, Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA) for studying lunar seismicity, Langmuir Probe (LP) to estimate plasma density, and other scientific instruments for various research purposes.

What are the anticipated outcomes of Chandrayaan 3?

Chandrayaan 3 aims to enhance our understanding of the lunar surface, geology, potential water-ice presence, and other scientific aspects. The mission’s findings will contribute to the knowledge of the moon and pave the way for future lunar exploration endeavors.

Will ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission India collaborate with other space agencies?

ISRO may collaborate with other space agencies or organizations for certain aspects of the mission, including technology development, scientific payloads, or data sharing.

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