mpesb group 4 admit card for assistant grade 3 steno typist shighra lekhak and various post Combined Recruitment Test – 2023 has been issued.
Under the Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board Group 4, this year approximately 3047 vacant positions are being filled for the recruitment of office staff in various departments.
According to the information obtained through an RTI (Right to Information) application, approximately 1,20,000 people have applied for these vacancies. Although this news has been received from social media, we cannot claim it as an official confirmation.
Most of these positions require a computer proficiency certificate test, which often includes a requirement for Hindi typing for the majority of vacancies.
The online exam for the mp group 4 admit card issued is starting from 15 July 2023 and end on 18 July 2023 as per the revised update on official website of mpesb.
Download admit card from mpesb website or the link given below.

How to download mpesb group 4 admit card :
After you click on above link you will see this image on your computer screen :

candidate, please keep your application number ready before checking for admit card.
You can find your application number in your email box or mobile phone SMS folder.
Enter your application number, date of birth and then click on submit button.
You can get information about the exam date, exam city, and center.
Due to high website traffic, it sometimes runs slow. Candidates are requested to please be patient.
This is the official link for downloading the admit card. There are no other official links available for this purpose.
download your mp group 4 admit card 3 days before of exam date.
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MP Group 4 recruitment test all details :
Madhya Pradesh employee selection board (mpesb) issued a notification in Feb- march 2023 for various posts under mp group 4 These vacancies are for different government offices. There are approximately 3000 vacancies for these posts.
There are posts such as assistant grade3, steno typist, shighra lekhak, personal assistant, assistant revenue inspector, lekhapal, data entry operator, computer operator, it operator, clerk, coding/record clerk, museum keeper, animal taker, and several other posts.
All these posts are divided into different groups based.
Different salary and education criteria which you can check on the official website of mpesb.
mp group 4 exam pattern for the different posts:
Check the exam pattern for madhya-pradesh group 4 exam notification : | Subject | Exam marks |
1 | general knowledge general hindi general english general maths general computer knowledge general reasoning | 100 |
Total 100 number exam, there is no negative marking, the paper will be objective type mcq.As
As per the previous paper we can assume for each section 16 number marks will be covered at least but we can not surely say any thing about exam pattern because now a days exam pattern change frequently so candidate need to prepare all subject seriously.
The time duration for exam is 2 hours.
Candidates can check their marks on screen after submitting the exam test online.
Answer key will be uploaded on the official website mpesb after 3-4 days of the last date of the exam.
mpesb group 4 admit card link :
Till now, for all the vacancies released under MPESB (Madhya Pradesh Examination and Selection Board), students have not been allotted their preferred exam city centers.
Due to this situation, students often face a lot of difficulties, and it directly affects their results as well.
lets check whether in mpesb group 4 admit card candidates has given exam center based on their choice or not,
comment your exam center below in comment section.
mpesb group 4 admit card download link
you can check Paper code from the above image.
Candidate reach exam center 2 hours before of exam time.
Attach your passport-size photo to your admit card.
Please bring your UIDAI Adhar card with you for verification.
Pen, paper, water, and mask provide by exam center if needed.
Mobile, purses, bags, and smartwatches are not allowed in the exam hall.
All the best for your exam
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mpesb group 4 admit card faq
When will be mpesb group 4 admit card released?
mpesb group 4 admit card will be released most probably on 9 july as group 4 exam is scheduled from 15 july 2023.
What is the exam date of mpesb group 4 assistant, steno typist, computer operatior and other posts ?
The exam date of mpesb group 4 assistant, steno typist, computer operator and other posts will be start from 15 July 2023 as per latest update on mpesb official website.
when will be answer key available for mp group 4 exam?
The answer key released by mpesb with 3-4 days after last shift of examination.